Volunteering in practice

‘Volunteers at NGPS’ is a hub of volunteers supported by Volunteering Matters and coordinated by Newcastle GP Services (NGPS). It is an active pool of volunteers who support GP practices in roles that paid staff do not fill, such as Patient Meet and Greet, NHS App Support and Prescription Transport.  NGPS offers volunteer support to PCN services and practices across Newcastle, as well as to additional city-wide projects.  

Photo of smiling young woman in an orange high-vis volunteer lanyard holding a mobile phone, in front of a board with information on the NHS app

If you are interested in volunteering and would like more information, please watch the video below:

Volunteer Passport Scheme Newcastle – YouTube

If you are interested applying to be a volunteer through the Volunteer Passport Scheme (with Volunteering Matters), please apply here: Volunteer Passport Scheme Newcastle (google.com)

If you are a practice who would like to request a volunteer, please get in touch on ngps.flexipool@nhs.net or complete our Staff Request Form.